Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Mailing Address
Property Interests
What type of home are you looking for in Revelstoke?
Single Storey Condo
Single Family Home
Vacant Lot for Custom Build
How large would you like your new home to be?
600 - 800 Square Feet with One Bedroom
800 - 1100 Square Feet with 2 Bedrooms
1100 - 1500 Square Feet with 3 Bedrooms or More
1500+ Square Feet with 3 Bedrooms Minimum
What price range would you like for your new home?
$600K - $800K
$800K - $950K
$950M - $1.1M
$1.1M - $1.5M
$1.5M Plus
When is your desired time to purchase?
As soon as possible
6 - 12 Months
1 - 2 Years
Not sure, just starting to look
Are you pre-qualified for any financing that may be necessary for a purchase?
Yes, everything is taken care of and ready to go.
Not yet, but I have a contact to take care of that when needed.
Not yet. Please connect me with your financing team.
Are there any features that are important to you in your new home?
Are you working with a realtor? If yes, can you provide their name?